Grow Up your Business is our Passion


Trusted by Global Fastest Growing Networks

We have presence in more than 30+ cities

with 500+gainfulll employees across the country.

Our Team is Our Strength


We believe in the policy of ‘work together-grow together’, and our attitude is a win-win one. This motivates us to work relentlessly in servicing more companies and enhancing our growth prospects. We have learnt to surrender the ‘ME’ for the ‘WE’


Company Profile

We Smart Tech Services are Service providers who take up job-works from Companies and execute them saving ‘time, money, and man power of our clients’.

About Us

Smart Tech Services is an organization who pioneers for its Clients ‘Success and Comfort’. Our ‘sole purpose’ is their satisfaction. We are a Service provider Company, providing the best services to our clients. We take up all kind of jobs which the Company is ready to outsource making their work easier.



To Spread our team every nook and corner of India. Become one and only most trusted team in our sector.

Contact Us

+91 040 4855 4504


Plot No-18, 1st Floor, Sripuri Colony Rd, R & D Colony, Karkhana, Secunderabad-15, Telangana.